Why Cats Vomiting: Possible Causes and Treatments

In cats, vomiting is not necessarily an abnormal act. Cats have a tendency to vomit easily, without this particularly worrying their master. However, even if it is common, vomiting is not always harmless.

A cat regularly vomits the hair it swallows while licking itself, or its food swallowed too quickly or in a context of stress. But do not make the mistake of thinking that these regurgitations are normal, they can hide a disease or a more serious disorder. In this case, it is advisable to act as best as possible to preserve the well-being of your animal.

What treatments to apply?

When your cat vomits, what is called antiperistaltic movement occurs, which means that the contents of his stomach follow the opposite path by a defensive reaction of the digestive tract. Vomiting can be due to simple irritation if the hair is present, but also to other more serious factors. Here are the most common.

The formation of hairballs

When your cat grooms itself by licking itself, it swallows a lot of hair. These store in his stomach where they form balls called trichobezoars . When the digestive tract is irritated by them, the cat vomits them up. If he has just eaten, your cat may regurgitate some food or bile with the hair. This is not alarming.

What is the treatment for hairballs?

If your cat tends to vomit hair regularly, choose a diet specially designed to facilitate its natural elimination. You can also add fiber to his diet to help the coat move through his digestive tract. In addition, brush your pet regularly to remove a large amount of dead hair before it ingests it.

A poor diet

The good health of your cat is highly dependent on the quality of its diet. The cheapest kibble brands, sold in supermarkets, contain poor quality ingredients; difficult to digest and irritating, they facilitate vomiting, even for some contribute to the development of diseases. If you buy him food in supermarkets, opt for recognized brands; his health is at stake.

The same goes for sweets. If you are used to rewarding your cat with treats, be sure to make them up. Opt for foods with the most natural nutritional composition possible to avoid encouraging vomiting that certain chemical additives cause.

What is the treatment for poor diet?

Prioritize quality food. If you have the possibility, prefer to buy his food in a pet store or at your veterinarian. If you buy food in supermarkets, choose quality brands and be vigilant about the nutritional values ​​of foods and their true content by detailing the list of ingredients.

A food allergy

Contrary to popular belief, cats do not like to vary their diet too much. His digestive tract appreciates quality and relatively constant food. Changing taste and texture too often can lead to allergies.

Alternate between quality croquettes and mash. The kibbles are a complete solid food ideal for strengthening and naturally cleaning the teeth of cats. As for the mash, it hydrates your animal thanks to its high water content. If you feed your cat homemade food, always give it the same type of food and cook its meat or fish without fat, salt or spices.

If your cat is vomiting, it may be developing a food allergy. Vomiting appears only after regular consumption. Identify the allergen and banish it from their diet.

What is the treatment for cat food allergy?

It is advisable to always give the same food to your cat, alternating dry and wet. A good regular diet should not develop an allergy. On the other hand, if you identify a food that makes him vomit, remove it from his meals.

Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis or gastroenteritis

Your cat may be prone to vomiting due to inflammation of its stomach (gastritis) or its stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis). This medical condition is common and can be caused by poor diet, poor digestion, or ingestion of a pathogen.

This type of irritating disorder may be accompanied by diarrhea or loose stools, fever, weakness or malaise.

What is the treatment for gastritis in cats?

It is essential to consult the veterinarian so that he can identify the cause of the irritation and ensure that your animal does not become dehydrated. Additional tests may be necessary to confirm the presence of viruses or bacteria if present. In any case, the veterinarian will prescribe medication to quickly relieve your cat.

The presence of digestive worms

The presence of worms in your cat’s digestive tract can lead to repeated vomiting.

What is the treatment for digestive worms in cats?

It is important to deworm your cat regularly: every month until the age of 6 months and every three months on average for the rest of its life. Ask your veterinarian for advice, because this frequency can change according to your animal’s profile.

Deworm it with a versatile product capable of destroying all types of worms. Also remember to treat it against fleas, as these can transmit digestive worms to it in any season.

An intestinal obstruction

Your cat may swallow inedible objects without you noticing, even forming an intestinal obstruction. In this case, he tends to Cat Vomit very regularly. He may have a fever, he looks down and refuses contact because of his painful stomach.

What is the treatment for intestinal obstruction in cats?

In case of bowel obstruction, only surgery can avoid complications. Contact your veterinarian immediately.

Intoxication or poisoning

The cat may vomit due to intoxication or poisoning. He may have ingested a toxic substance, cleaning products, or even pesticides that his body is trying to eliminate by vomiting. Some plants are also dangerous for cats and can be poisonous or even fatal. In the case of poisoning, your cat vomits and will tend to salivate excessively.

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