The ROI of Organic Brand Advocacy

Brand Advocacy is about extending the reach of your message beyond your existing customer base to a new set of potential customers. Brand Advocates are advocates who help create awareness, loyalty, and trust for a company or product. Brand Advocates work on issues such as quality, safety, and the reputation of a company’s products or services.

Brand Advocacy is all about extending your message to a target audience. In essence, Brand Advocacy means the people who enjoy the product or service you are selling and are most likely to continue to support the company by advertising the company to others. There are two key elements to successful brand advocacy programs. One is to be consistent – your advocacy efforts must be one thing, in order to be effective. Two is to reach your target audience with compelling content and a low price point. Brand Advocates will help you find these things out.

Brand Advocacy doesn’t just stop at advertising.

It includes employee promotions and rewards, online and offline promotions, giving back to the community through charity work, and working in communities to promote your business. When you take notice of the different ways you can be a catalyst for brand advocacy, it will pay off for you in the form of a loyal customer base and increased profits.

Employees are an asset to your business. Employees add value. Employees increase the overall value of your company because they make everything that much better, and they improve customer experience and satisfaction with every purchase. So how do you take advantage of employee advocates in your company? Here are some ideas:

Promote Your Brand With Social Media.

Everyone has Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, and a slew of other social media pages that they use on a daily basis. All of them have the power to attract new customers. By connecting with customers through social media, you can create an open dialogue with them that can lead to brand advocacy.

Use Off-Campus Events.

Many students go off campus to begin their educational experience. If you host events where you get students involved in your marketing strategy and brand advocacy, you are likely to attract students who already care about your products and services. Off-campus events are a great opportunity to talk to new customers. You can also talk about your products and services with your core customers while you are getting their feedback.

Work Culture Change. If you don’t already have a work culture change, it is time to create one. You can hire individuals to work in your marketing department to work on your brand advocacy and training efforts, or you can develop a training culture yourself.

Work on Brand Advocacy. Your company has the ability to engage in organic social PR marketing campaigns. You can start by posting organic content on your company website. The content must be interesting enough to engage your audience and informative enough to spark conversation within your own organization and among your target consumers.

Talk to Current Customers. Your customers may already be engaged in organic social PR campaigns through your existing PR campaigns, but you can still engage your customers further. Offering incentives for recommendations, free products and services or even just having an employee speak with your customers about your brand advocacy program will get them talking to others about your program.


Offering promotional items like giveaways is a great way to promote organic PR. Offering something of value to those who use your service is an excellent way to build brand advocacy. People appreciate gifts and will generally tell their friends about great experiences that they have had with your organization or your brand.

Brand Advocacy Matters. Your employees should know how to engage their customers and how to build brand advocacy. Your staff can include these skills in your job description or as part of your hiring process.

Also Read- Customer Review System

Brand Advocacy Matters. Social media engagement and organic PR efforts don’t stop with publicity stunts. Organic advocates need to do more than post status updates on Facebook and Twitter; they need to engage users with content that aligns with their values and that they want to read. A solid organic PR program includes a plan for engaging your target audience, the content your users generate and how to ensure that your message is delivered in a way that builds trust with your target audience.


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